
The user, leaving the application on the website, accepts the Agreement to processing of personal data (further – Agreement). Working freely, with the will and in the interest and confirming the capacity, the User gives the consent to LLC Floreksim (INN 7734362335), (the location address: 123592, Moscow, Kulakova str, Bld. 20, s. 1A, room 22) on processing of the personal data with the following conditions:

  1. This Agreement is given on processing, in other words on commission of the actions provided by item 3 of Art. 3 of the Federal law from 7/27/2006 N 152-FL "On personal data" the personal data both without use of the automation equipment, and with their use.

  2. It is agreed to processing of the following personal data:
    1) The personal data which isn't special or biometric

  3. Surname, name, middle name, numbers of contact phones; e-mail addresses; a source from where the user has come to the website; from what website or on what advertising;

  4. Personal data isn’t public.

  5. The purpose of processing personal data: processing of incoming requests of individuals for providing consulting; analytics of the physical person’s actions on the website and the functioning of the website; conducting of email marketing and newsletter.

  6. The basis for the processing of personal data is: Art. 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Art. 6 of the Federal Law No. 152-FL "On Personal Data"; Charter of LLC "Florexim"; The present agreement to the processing of personal data.

  7. During processing with personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection; record; systematization; accumulation; storage; specification (update, change); extraction; using; disposal (distribution, provision, access); blocking; removal; erasure.

  8. Personal data is processed before the individual's unsubscription from advertising and newsletters. Also, the processing of personal data can be terminated at the request of the subject of personal data.

  9. In the event of the subject's withdrawal of personal data or his representative's agreement to the processing of personal data, LLC "Florexim" has the right to continue processing personal data without the agreement of the subject of personal data in the presence of basements specified in Cl. 2-11 part 1 Art. 6, part 2 Art. 10 and part 2, Art. 11 of the Federal Law No. 152-FL "On Personal Data" of 27.07.2006.